Mumbai: Sohum Shah’s recent social media post has set the film world abuzz with speculation about a potential release of the critically acclaimed film Tumbbad. The actor shared a captivating still from the movie, accompanied by the intriguing caption “Chilling with Hastar,” leading many to wonder about the film’s possible return to the big screen.
The image showcases Shah in a dramatic, tense moment from Tumbbad, with the iconic demon Hastar ominously watching him from behind. The atmospheric quality of the still, combined with the cryptic caption, suggests that there could be more to this post than meets the eye.
Given Tumbbad’s status as a cult classic and its unique blend of horror and fantasy, Shah’s picture has ignited excitement among fans and industry insiders. The haunting legacy of the film, paired with this new glimpse, hints at a revival of its eerie, mythical world.
While Shah has yet to confirm the details, the post has certainly sparked anticipation. Is this a subtle hint that Tumbbad might be making a grand return to cinemas, inviting audiences to experience its chilling narrative once more? Fans will have to stay tuned for further updates as the suspense continues to build.